The Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 31: Intentional Dreaming, the Honeybee, and the World’s Dreamweave (a conversation with Ariella Daly)
“Bee shamanism” is ancient, but its existence was recent news to me. Ancient Greek priestesses who dreamt with the bees? A European folk tradition tied to women’s spirituality and beekeeping? Tell me more! In this episode, Ariella Daly tells me so much more. I was enchanted. Click Play on the player below to hear us…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 30: The Gifts in Grief Dreams (a conversation with Joshua Black)
Have you ever dreamt of a loved one, after they passed away? Has that dream stuck with you ever since? Dr. Joshua Black has had that kind of dream — and heard thousands of those dreams from others. He’s devoted his academic research to these “grief dreams” and to continuing bonds after many types of…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 29: Personalized Dream Symbols, Online Dream Groups, and Warning Dreams (a conversation with Laura Suzanne)
If you’ve ever heard me or another dreamworker say, “Pretend I’m an alien,” and then ask you to define the object you dreamt about, that’s because we want to know about your personal symbology. Laura Suzanne and I have very different relationships with cats. If you were to ask each of us to explain what a…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 28: What We Can Glean from the Foods that Show Up in Our Dreams (with Leilani Navar)
The pizza dreams. The grocery store dreams. The Thanksgiving dinners and wilting vegetable gardens. The empty fridge. Of all the “food” dreams I’ve heard, the steak dream I share in this episode is one of my favorites. When the dreamer and I explored this dream, plenty happened, not all of it related to food. But…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 27: Dreamwork in the Acupuncture Clinic and the Garden of the Mind (a conversation with Joseph Fiala)
My fellow acupuncturist, dreamworker, and NUNM grad Joseph Fiala joins me to talk about dreamwork in his clinical practice, in his personal life, and in nurturing the thoughts we choose to grow in the gardens of our minds. I loved hearing his enthusiasm and wise insights, and I’m guessing you will too. Click Play to…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 26: Owl Feathers, Stilettos and Other Footprints to Track in Our Dreams (a conversation with Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer)
Do you track the details in your dreams? Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer talks with me about why to track the recurring details in our dreams. Those themes are like footprints left behind by the qualities moving through our dreamscape – and we’re well-served by following their trails. Bambi and I cover a lot of dreamscape ground in…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 25: Chakra Colors, Expansive Creativity and a Dream of Tulips (a conversation with Kelly Lydick)
Kelly Lydick first caught my attention with her work on “dream incubation,” which is the practice of setting an intention or asking a question before going to sleep at night. I love dream incubation and turn to it frequently in my ongoing conversation with my own dreams. When Kelly and I planned this interview, though,…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 24: Our Dreams at the End of Life, and Every Night Until Then, Too (a conversation with Mary Jo Heyen)
This one touched me. All these conversations do, but I felt this one extra deeply. Perhaps it’s Mary Jo’s way of speaking – and her way of listening – or the tenderness of hearing about dreams people had when they knew they were close to the end of their lives. Maybe it’s the feeling of…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 23: Dreams Don’t Take Anything Lightly (Highlights on Colors, Numbers and Characters from The Dreamers’ Den Members’ Episodes )
I’ve packed this Full Moon episode full of gems that I hope will bring you a few “ah-ha moments” about your own dreams. You’re going to hear highlights from three of our Members’ Episodes from the past 6 months. Click “Play” above to listen now, or click on one of these links to listen on…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 22: Of Ravens and Wolves, Of Men Dreaming as a Pack (a conversation with Matt Cochran)
Click Play above to listen now, or click here to listen on Apple Podcasts. Click here to listen on Spotify. Click here to listen on Stitcher. Ready to hear about dreaming with a “pack,” the language of wild nature, initiation into manhood, and why dreams are a trustworthy source of navigation and wisdom? Yes? That’s…
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