The Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 3: Dodging a Bullet By Trusting My Dreams (a conversation with Denise Conner)

The Dreamers' Den Podcast: Dreamwork in Good Company with Leilani Navar Episode 3 Denise Conner

Have you ever dreamt you had a serious illness or injury? Maybe it scared you, at first, but then you came to understand the dream symbolically?

It can be a relief to realize, “It’s a metaphor.”

But sometimes, our dreams truly are about our physical health. For me, that’s one of the greatest gifts of dreams. In this episode, Denise Conner jumps right in to the full story of three dreams that changed her life by guiding her through a health crisis. Her series of dreams gave her a kind of clarity that’s hard to come by when navigating major medical decisions.

Denise also talks about how her years working with Jeremy Taylor prepared her to receive the messages of those dreams. She shares what she learned from Jeremy about setting the “tone” of a dream group and using the “if it were my dream” style of language. Jeremy Taylor insisted upon this approach: talking about someone else’s dream in first person, as though it is my own. This leads Denise into discussing why Jeremy saw dreamwork as such a profound tool for social change.

I hope you’ll stick around for the end of this episode, when I share a dream of my own. Denise offers her projections, and I invite you to share yours, too, in the Dreamers Den free Facebook group. No matter when you’re catching this episode, please come into the Facebook group and let me know what that “Skin the Cat” dream would mean to you if it were yours.

I love hearing what each person gets out of someone else’s dream. All the different projections – from each person’s unique perspective – creates fertile ground for the seeds of “ah-ha moments” to sprout.

Hit Play right here at the bottom of this post to listen in. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

You can learn more about Denise and get in touch with her at her website:

One more note: Denise and I recorded this episode some weeks ago, before the COVID-19 pandemic had affected so many lives in so many ways. So, you won’t hear Denise or me mention it in this episode.

However, what’s coming up LIVE next month, on Saturday, May 16, is very much related to this time that we’re in. You are warmly invited to join me, Melissa Grace (of The Night is Jung), and a group of dreamers in an online gathering. Come get that satisfaction that only deep conversation with like-minded people can provide.

We’re exploring dreams of closeness and distance, of connection and disconnection, as they’re showing up in this time of “social distancing.” I hope you’ll join us as we drop in to some creative, intuitive exploration together. Melissa will share her art of oracle card reading. You’ll also express your own creativity and reflection in a guided practice.

This event is all about you connecting with your own dreams and your own sense of what matters most right now. It’s also about connecting with each other. And, it’s about you giving yourself the gift of time and attention to what’s happening in your inner landscape, as viewed through your dreams, and receiving the insights and nourishment that come along with it.

Click here to learn more and sign up.

Enjoy the episode, and be sure to leave a Comment here or in the Facebook group. I’d love to hear from you!

*this post originally appeared on

Leilani Navar


  1. Billie Ortiz on April 23, 2020 at 1:25 am

    Powerful example of how our dreams have deep wisdom to share about our well-being on ALL layers. Denise’s story reminds us how the dreams can give us the “wake up” call about our physical health. I also love the stories about Jeremy Taylor as I knew and worked with him for years and love him deeply! I also know Denise personally and she is an accomplished and compassionate dreamworker as well as a lovely human being! Thank you Leilani for your commitment to bring these stories of dedicated dreamers to life!

    • Leilani Navar on April 23, 2020 at 8:34 pm

      Thank you, Billie! Always good to hear from you. I’m so glad you liked this episode, especially as someone who knew Jeremy well. Yes, Denise is lovely. It’s truly my pleasure to talk to all these amazing dreamworkers!