Episode 44: Summoned by the Earth (with Cynthia Jurs)
I’ll be honest with you: the “great unraveling” is as real as the “great turning.” They’re happening at the same time, and have been for decades. The unraveling was already accelerating, and now (late 2024) to see a democratic election process choose a path of more, worse, faster harm to our planet and our fellow…
Read MoreEpisode 43: Beauty as Ballast, Grief as Guide, Body as Sacred Land (with Erin Geesaman Rabke and Leilani Navar)
I’m so happy to share this conversation with you. It’s between me and my dear friend, Erin Geesaman Rabke, about sustaining our tender hearts and our dedication to showing up for the web of life on Earth, through all the heartbreak, overwhelm, and discouragement that can happen when we care deeply about our world. We…
Read MoreEpisode 42: Resilience & Mental Health in Humanitarian Response (with Paula Ramírez)
“How is it that those individuals who are in the front line, in the first response, can bring that awareness, that connection to their own selves through their own nervous system, owning again a quality of spaciousness in their body?” My wonderful guest for this episode, Paula Ramírez, supports mental health in contexts of war…
Read MoreEpisode 36: Personal and Collective Healing in Chinese Medicine and Deep Ecology (with Leilani Wong Navar and guest interviewer Lydia Violet Harutoonian)
Our bodies are just like the rest of the living world: coursing with healing, life-affirming intelligence and capacity; and suffering the effects of being out of balance. The body is one setting for what Joanna Macy called “the three stories of our time”: Business as Usual, the Great Unraveling, and the Great Turning. We’ve explored…
Read MoreEpisode 31: Deep Ecology, Small Actions and Big Resonance (with Fernanda Lenz)
This Full Moon, a new deep conversation with someone rising to her own unique role in The Great Turning – the role only she can play, coming about through what she loves, what breaks her heart, her gifts, her circumstances, her stories. Today, meet Fernanda Lenz, an educator, facilitator, and visual documentarian in São Paolo,…
Read MoreEpisode 27: Your Healing Story is a Love Story (with Nisha Mody)
Which is easier to feel in your own mind and body: The sense of living in The Great Turning (aka, our transition toward a life-sustaining way of being human on earth), or the feeling of “Business as Usual,” a way of being human that values being productive, consuming, succeeding, and never feeling like you’ve done…
Read MoreEpisode 19: Creative Changemaking in Art & Architecture (with Sinéad Cullen)
I know Sinéad Cullen is not alone in once feeling inadequate for not being a fists-in-the-air, protest-in-the-streets kind of activist; for not taking a stand in that dimension of The Great Turning we call “Holding Actions.” I also know she’s not alone – and many of you listening will relate – in being deeply inspired…
Read MoreEpisode 16: News on Amazonian Women’s Healing Center, International Treaty on Plastics, and Reconnection Ecology at Wildlife Sanctuary
This is the first “news” episode of Turning Season Podcast. I had the idea to do short episodes like this while listening to a 5-minute NPR podcast a few months ago. It was a very quick, back-to-back series of stories with the sense: “Here’s what you should know.” It included something like, updates on war…
Read MoreEpisode 14: The Body is Our Gateway (with Petra Bongartz)
How do we get from, “We know we have to change,” to “We’re actually changing”? As a society, or even as individuals? As you’ll hear my guest Petra Bongartz say at the beginning of this episode, we’ve known for a long time that we need to change – and yet, we haven’t changed. Why not?…
Read MoreEpisode 13: Balancing All Seven Centers (with Morgan Starr-Riestis)
How are you dealing with the stress of these times? If you’re turning to (or curious about) talk therapy, yoga, other spiritual and energetic practices, or learning to regulate your own nervous system, you’ll be interested in my guest for this episode, Morgan Starr-Riestis, therapist at Mind Psy Guidance and creator of the Seven Centers…
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