Episode 41: Accounting Alchemy for the Great Turning (with Ingrid Edstrom)
My guest Ingrid Edstrom founded the “Accounting Alchemy Network,” and in this episode, we talk accounting, and we talk alchemy. “Alchemy” as in transformation. Practical transformation, which of course is necessary in this great turning toward a life-sustaining society, along with transformation in the ways we think, and the ways we ask our questions. These…
Read MoreEpisode 39: The Earth Caretaker Way (with Tim Corcoran)
How to become an Earth Caretaker? If you can, one way to start is to “get off your butt and get out in the woods,” as Tim Corcoran has been known to say, and his young students love to quote. Hear about many other good starting places and ways to walk the path in this…
Read MoreEpisode 38: Holistic Climate Action and the Stories in Our Bones (with Osprey Orielle Lake)
“I bow to Osprey in deepest respect and gratitude for her years of inspired activism and this brilliant book.” – Joanna Macy Once again, I agree wholeheartedly with Joanna Macy, this time about Osprey Orielle Lake and her new book, The Story is in Our Bones: How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World…
Read MoreEpisode 37: How Restoring the Water Web Relieves Drought, Fire and Flood (with Alpha Lo)
Alpha Lo caught my attention when I heard him say, “All we have to do is…” and then lay out a sweeping plan for how California can effectively restore rain, prevent both wildfires and floods, and regenerate the water cycle. He explained how we could reverse the negative effects on the water cycle caused by…
Read MoreEpisode 36: Personal and Collective Healing in Chinese Medicine and Deep Ecology (with Leilani Wong Navar and guest interviewer Lydia Violet Harutoonian)
Our bodies are just like the rest of the living world: coursing with healing, life-affirming intelligence and capacity; and suffering the effects of being out of balance. The body is one setting for what Joanna Macy called “the three stories of our time”: Business as Usual, the Great Unraveling, and the Great Turning. We’ve explored…
Read MoreEpisode 35: Regeneration and Resilience for Refugees and Host Communities in Uganda (with Gloire Mudekuza)
Ready for a dose of Active Hope? Listen to Gloire Mudekuza, a young refugee, a social entrepreneur, a climate activist and a mentor in Uganda, making an impact in the refugee community. He is passionate about regenerative agriculture, climate action, and entrepreneurship. He is the founder and director of Plethora Social Initiative, a refugee-led organization…
Read MoreEpisode 34: Afro-lachian Herbal Remedies, Past Stories & Current Conversations (with Ruby Daniels)
Register here for the (free!) Great Turning Summit: https://programs.schoolforthegreatturning.com/gtsummit In this planet-wide, diverse movement we can call The Great Turning, one of the threads I’m personally following is medicine. I’m all in for the shift to a life-honoring, life-sustaining approach to understanding illness, treating disease, and promoting health and healing. Ruby Daniels is part of…
Read MoreEpisode 33: Becoming an Earth Regenerator (with Joe Brewer)
How about these goals: What would that take? Joe Brewer has dedicated his life to this question, and to a “living laboratory” of bioregional regeneration and community collaboration. He is the founder of Earth Regenerators and co-founder of the newly established Design School for Regenerating Earth. I have learned so much from Joe. He’s been a…
Read MoreEpisode 32: Protecting Sacred Groves in India (with Radhika Bhagat)
“Somehow, we were only touching the symptoms, whether it’s poaching, whether it’s the destruction of forests, or unsustainable development.” So said Radhika Bhagat about her 12+ years of conservation work with leading organizations in India, as she explained to me why she founded the Sacred Earth Trust. Radhika now focuses on reviving spiritual connection to…
Read MoreEpisode 30: News On Indigenous Leadership in the Arctic, The Mother Tree Project, and Tribes and Nature Defenders in the Philippines
Another news roundup of evidence of The Great Turning, for this month’s New Moon: Click Play above to listen in to this episode of Turning Season Podcast, your regular dose of active hope, here with news and deep conversations with people following the thread of their own storyline in this adventure we’re all weaving toward…
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