Episode 36: Personal and Collective Healing in Chinese Medicine and Deep Ecology (with Leilani Wong Navar and guest interviewer Lydia Violet Harutoonian)
Our bodies are just like the rest of the living world: coursing with healing, life-affirming intelligence and capacity; and suffering the effects of being out of balance. The body is one setting for what Joanna Macy called “the three stories of our time”: Business as Usual, the Great Unraveling, and the Great Turning. We’ve explored…
Read MoreEpisode 28: A Return to Beekeeping and Reweaving (with Ariella Daly)
Here at the new beginning marked by the Lunar New Year, come back with me to the beginning of Turning Season Podcast, for what remains one of my favorite conversations yet, with dreamworker, beekeeper, and new mother, Ariella Daly. A warm hello to all of you who’ve starting listening since this show was born. I…
Read MoreEpisode 10: The Choice to Re-Wild (with Claire Dunn)
This one’s a treat for you lovers of wild lands, you who are curious about wilderness survival, my dreamers and dreamworkers, and anyone seeking out their path in a world of so many possibilities, and so many needs. I knew that in conversation with Claire Dunn – who lived alone in the bush for a…
Read MoreEpisode 3: Guided by Dreams (with Matt Cochran)
Matt Cochran joins me again, this time to share how dreamwork, especially in connection with men’s work, is a part of his role in The Great Turning. Click Play below to hear us talk about: how Matt relates to the “three stories of our time” (and how these compare to a rite of passage, or…
Read MoreEpisode 1: Beekeeping and Reweaving (with Ariella Daly)
We can each be guided by what we love, and by what breaks our hearts. Ariella Daly’s heart is with the bees. If you’ve listened to The Dreamers’ Den series, you heard Ariella in Episode 31, speaking about dream mirroring, bee shamanism, and the dreamweave of the earth. She’s back now to to kick off…
Read More3 Questions to Unlock Your Dreams
3 questions I love to ask my own dreams + bring to dream group. These can unlock the doors to what’s waiting to be found. At 2:30, I share a short but potent dream I asked these questions of. At 4:50 I get into what’s been troubling me about how health is talked about “these…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 34: Dreams of Exes plus Bathroom & Gotta-Go Dreams (highlights from Dreamers’ Den members episodes with Leilani Navar & Kezia Vida)
Do you recall any dreams of being back together with an ex? How about needing to pee and not being able to find a bathroom? These are more common dream-themes than you might realize, and there can be much more going on here than the obvious. Click Play below to hear a deep-dive on these…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 33: What Happens in Dream Group? This. (a projective dreamwork group hosted by Leilani Navar)
I could try to describe group dreamwork to you. Why we do it, what it’s like, how wow’d and moved I am every time. But I couldn’t do it justice. There’s nothing else like this. I couldn’t have imagined it before I’d taken part, no matter how it was explained. A current dream group member…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 32: A Powerful Remover of Obstacles (a conversation with Cythera Wilkerson)
Raise your hand (or, better yet, leave a comment below, so I can see it too) if you’ve ever dreamt of a political figure you strongly dislike. When they showed up in dream-form, how did you engage with them? When dreamers have shared dreams of political figures who were the object of anger or disgust,…
Read MoreThe Dreamers’ Den Series Ep 31: Intentional Dreaming, the Honeybee, and the World’s Dreamweave (a conversation with Ariella Daly)
“Bee shamanism” is ancient, but its existence was recent news to me. Ancient Greek priestesses who dreamt with the bees? A European folk tradition tied to women’s spirituality and beekeeping? Tell me more! In this episode, Ariella Daly tells me so much more. I was enchanted. Click Play on the player below to hear us…
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